ontario bailbonds

Are the Police Allowed to Commandeer Your Car?

Police commandeering someone’s vehicle is something that happens all the time in action movies and police procedurals, but what about in the real world. Are police really allowed to commandeer your car the way they do in movies? The simple answer is yes. The police are allowed to commandeer your vehicle, but it’s not as […]

ontario bailbonds

Computer Crimes in California

The blanket term, computer crimes in California is used to categorize an assortment of crimes that involve the use of either or both computers and the internet. While all can violate California state laws, it is not unusual for some to also violate federal laws. As computers became an increasingly important part of both business […]

ontario bailbonds

Keeping Your Kids Safe this Summer

Summer is finally here which means long days and lots of freedom for your kids. While you want your kids to have a great time and make lots of good memories this summer, you also want them to stay safe. The good news is that it’s possible to do both. Preventing Heat Stroke One of […]

ontario bail bonds

Updating Your California Driver’s License Following a Move

Your driver’s license not only proves that you’re legally allowed to drive in California, but it also serves as your main source of identification. It’s important that all the information that appears on your driver’s license is current. You should already know that you’re not allowed to drive on an expired driver’s license in California. […]

ontario bail bonds

You’ve Finally Graduated! Don’t Forget to be Smart!

It seems like you’ve been waiting your whole life to finish school. Many people consider the summer between high school and the time when they start college (or trade school, or simply start working full time) to be one of the most exciting and fun times of their life. While it’s okay to have fun […]

ontario bail bonds

Do You Need Parental Consent to Share Pictures of Minors

Social media has created some questions many people never really thought to ask before. One example of this has to do with pictures of minors. While pictures of minors are posted all the time on various social media channels, some people can’t help wondering about the legality of doing so if they don’t have the […]

ontario bail bonds

Telemarketer Fraud

If you hate telemarketers, you’re not alone. Legal Beagle reported that in 2017, Bank my Cell conducted a survey that revealed that out of 1,200 people, 75% of them actively avoided calls that they knew were from telemarketers. 85% of the people who responded to the survey reported that even the thought of dealing with […]

ontario bail bonds

Leaving Kids in Hot Cars in California

Kids and hot cars are never a good combination. Everyone knows that, yet there is still an average of 38 children who die each year after they’re locked into a hot car. In all fairness, nearly all of these cases are an accident. The child is strapped into their car seat in the back of […]

ontario bail bonds

Leaving Pets in Hot Cars in California

Dogs love their owners and want to be with them all the time. In an attempt to keep our dogs happy, many of us take them with us when we run errands. On cold days, this isn’t an issue, but now that we’re on the cusp of summer, it will be a while before Californians […]

ontario bail bonds

Can You Get Into Trouble for Using a Computer That Doesn’t Belong to You?

We’ve all done it from time to time. Grabbed a friend or family member’s laptop to check our email or update our social media accounts. Most of us ask for permission first. But what if you don’t ask for permission? What happens if you simply boot up someone else’s computer and start using it. While […]