Distracted Driving in 2021

Most of us are familiar with drunk driving and know that it’s something we should avoid. Few of us know about distracted driving. Distracted driving is exactly what it sounds like. If you’re ticketed for distracted driving, it means that rather than paying attention to the road, the bulk of your attention was focused on […]

california dui laws

What Happens to a Passenger in a DUI Arrest?

The law is clear. If your blood alcohol level is 0.08% or higher and you’re pulled over, you’ll be charged with a DUI. What isn’t clear is what happens if you’re the drunk passenger in a vehicle that’s being operated by a drunk driver. The good news is that you can’t be charged with a […]

california riot laws

Legal Consequences of Rioting

These days, it seems like every time you turn on the news, you encounter a story about a riot. Major cities throughout the United States are dealing with the fallout from riots. While everyone knows that riots are frightening and illegal, few of us understand what the legal ramifications are of getting caught in the […]

Why Was A Loved One Arrested?

You never know what a friend or family member could get arrested for. After all, you never really expected a loved one to get arrested at all. Once you learn of a loved one’s arrest, you may not actually know why he or she was arrested. Trying to find that information on your own can […]

Bailing Someone Out Is Easier Than You Think

Just the thought of needing to bail someone out of jail can freak a person out. After all, bail is not something that people deal with on a regular basis. In fact, there are many people out there who are fortunate enough to never need bail. Sadly, not everyone is so lucky. Even if you, […]

Ontario Bail Bonds Will Help You Face Your Loved One’s Arrest

Nobody ever wakes up in the morning with the plan to bail out their soon-to-be arrested friend or family member. After all, no one plans on getting arrested, and they certainly wouldn’t share that plan with their loved ones. However, thousands of people are arrested every single day, and that is just here in California. […]

You Will Always Be There for Your Loved Ones

When someone you love gets arrested, you will do everything that you can to bail him or her out of jail. You would do anything for the people you care about. That is why, despite your lack of experience with bail, you begin looking into it. That is when you discover Ontario Bail Bonds. Since […]

Will You Be Seeing More DUI Checkpoints This Holiday Season?

Whenever certain holidays roll around, you can bet that there will be an increase in DUI Checkpoints. This is often due to the fact that more people tend to drink and drive around those specific holidays. Law enforcement agencies know this, and use these checkpoints as a way to curb any drunk driving. Unfortunately, Christmas […]

Do Not Let a Loved One Feel Like They’ve Been Abandoned in Jail

Giving in to negative thoughts and emotions can be very easy. This is especially true when it feels like the world is against you. This pretty much what happens when a person is arrested. When a person is sitting behind bars, it feels like the whole world is out to get them. Sadly, things don’t […]

The Real Cost of a DUI Charge

Most people out there recognize the fact that driving while drunk is a very bad idea. While a person is drunk, their mind isn’t what it normally is, meaning they are more likely to make costly mistakes. This is why it is illegal to drive while drunk all over the country. Here in California, the […]