Escalade-ing Car Problem in Ontario

In the continuing saga of illegal car club takeovers in Ontario, yet another recently took place outside a Ontario mall. Unlike previous takeovers that have blocked street intersections and crowded parking lots, this latest one ended in violence. The takeover was orchestrated as a tribute to the late Paul Walker. For those unaware, Paul Walker […]

How Bad Is Stealing Mail?

Even in today’s digital world, there is still a high demand for physical shipping. After all, how else would people be able to get something that they ordered online? This means that mail is still a pretty big deal, even if it may not seem like it. Something that at first seems like no big […]

The 3 Different Levels of Crimes

When it comes to breaking the law, most people know they shouldn’t do that because if they do, they will face consequences. However, while people may understand this concept pretty easily, what they may not realize is that there are varying levels when it comes to breaking the law. Different crimes earn different consequences. This […]

Be Prepared for October 18

California is pretty well known for having plenty of wildfires, and 2018 has been no exception. This year’s fire season has been one of the worst in state in history, but it was at least expected. The one plus side to wildfires, is that they follow a bit of a forecast. Here in California, wildfires […]

Stopping for School Buses

School is back in session once again and for students, that means that the fun of summer is over. For many adults, we assume nothing changes for us when the new school year starts, however that isn’t exactly the case. With the start of school comes additional traffic around campuses, and school buses make a […]

Should You Have Insurance?

When you grow up, you start to realize all the things you weren’t taught about in school. For example insurance. All insurance, auto, house, and life, are all big giant mysteries. Don’t worry about feeling like you’re the only one who doesn’t understand how it works, a lot of people don’t. We don’t learn about […]

How to Keep Your Home Safe

In an article written by Matthew Wilson for Property Guard Master, Wilson cites that in the United States alone there is a home intrusion every thirteen seconds. Furthermore, there are an astounding 2.5 million home burglaries reported each year. Of those 2.5 million home burglaries, 60% of them happen between the hours of 10:00 AM […]

Is Your House Being Watched by Burglars?

There are various stereotypes that surround the idea of someone breaking into your home. It could be that a masked stranger breaks into your home in the middle of the night and steals your personal belongings while you sleep. It could also be that the burglar wears all black and sneakily climbs through a window […]

Can Your Neighbor Park and Block Your Driveway?

The downside to living in a city or residential area is that it’s not uncommon for someone to park in such a way that it blocks your driveway. Luckily, in most cases the driver is only there for a few minutes before they move on, but every once in a while you’ll encounter some rude […]

Bicycles and DUI’s

It’s a well known fact that if you drink to much and than get behind the wheel of your vehicle, you’ll get a DUI, which comes with several life altering consequences. In order to preserve their driver’s license and reputation, many California residents who decide they’re going out for a night on the town, decide […]