how do bail bonds work

Can I Get in Trouble for Having a Fake Gun in California?

When you walk into a toy store, you will find entire shelves full of imitation guns. Some don’t look even close to real, while others are surprisingly authentic looking. Looking at the authentic toys, it’s easy to wonder if you could get in trouble for having an imitation gun in California. The answer is both […]

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How to Secure an Emergency Personal Protection Order in California

If you’re worried that someone is either stalking you or is intent on harming you, it’s in your best interest to approach the California courts and secure an emergency personal protection order (PPO). The purpose of a PPO is to have a legal method of providing you with an extra layer of protection from anyone […]

ontario fianzas

4 Estafas de Facebook que Debe Conocer

La mayoría de nosotros pasamos una sorprendente cantidad de tiempo en Facebook. Nos encanta publicar sobre las cosas emocionantes que suceden en nuestras vidas, disfrutamos viendo las fotos que comparten nuestros seres queridos y, a menudo, lo tratamos como una línea interesante que brinda una forma legal de espiar la vida de los demás. Rara […]

ontario fianzas

¿Qué Sucede si se Ignora una Orden de Protección de California?

Las órdenes de protección personal (PPO) se emiten cuando una persona se acerca a la corte y le muestra al juez la razón por la cual le tiene miedo a otra persona. Si se emite una PPO en su contra, no se le permite tener ningún contacto con la persona que arregló la PPO . […]

pomona bail bonds

What is Aiding and Abetting? Charges and Penalties

What is Aiding and Abetting? It seems like the words aiding and abetting are constantly linked together, which makes most people assume that they go together. The truth is that while, legally speaking, aiding and abetting are quite similar, they aren’t the same thing and can be two separate charges. When you are charged with […]

upland bail bonds

Tips for Earning a Little Extra Money This Holiday Season

Times are tough right now. We could all use a little extra income, especially with the holidays right around the corner. The good news is that now is a great time to explore the possibility of a side hustle that will put some extra money in your pocket. Consider Drive Share Programs If you like […]

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The Most Common Crimes That Occur During the Holidays

Most of us associate the holidays with happiness, family, and love. While many of us focus on the good things during the holiday season, police departments throughout the United States will quickly tell you that crime doesn’t stop during the holidays. What members of law enforcement have noticed is that certain types of crimes seem […]

upland bail bonds

California’s Marijuana Laws: What To Know

California’s Marijuana Laws In 2016, registered California voters decided that they were in favor of legalized marijuana and voted yes to Proposition 64. A little over a year later, on January 1, 2018, it became legal for adults to enjoy marijuana throughout the state. What some people failed to realize is that even though it […]

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Living in California: Earthquake Survival Tips

Earthquake Survival Tips Living in California means you could experience an earthquake. They’re far more common than people realize. While most earthquakes are so small they’re hardly noticeable, there is always a chance that a large earthquake could occur. The problem with a large earthquake is that not only could it do a great deal […]