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How to Prepare for Your Arraignment Process

You should take your arraignment process very seriously. Not only is it the first time you’ll formally hear the charges you face and get to tell the court that you’re innocent or guilty, but it is also when the judge determines if you’ll be granted bail, how high that bail will be, and if any […]

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What to do if Your Car is Impounded by the Police

No one wants to have their car impounded by the police. Trying to regain possession of your vehicle is time-consuming, stressful, and can be expensive. There are several reasons why the police will impound a vehicle, including: The driver didn’t have a valid driver’s license The vehicle was not insured The vehicle was abandoned. The […]

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California’s 3 Most Common Driving Infractions

Every single day, hundreds of drivers throughout the state of California receive traffic violations also known as driving infractions. While obtaining a ticket for many things is possible, some traffic violations are more common than others. Driving Infractions: Speeding While there aren’t any hard stats showing how many speeding tickets are written by California patrol […]

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Catalytic Converter Theft in California

Catalytic converter theft is a serious problem that, for some reason, isn’t getting nearly the media attention it should.  According to data posted by KSBY-6 reported that in California, State Farm Insurance handled approximately 4,507 catalytic converter thefts in 2020. The total payout for these claims was roughly $10.8 million. The numbers doubled in 2021. […]

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What is Google Voice Scam

We know that we’re not supposed to provide things like our social security numbers and credit card numbers to anyone who calls us. We know that this helps us avoid becoming the victim of an identity theft scam. What we don’t consider is the potential damage of the Google Voice Scam, which involves the use […]

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Beware of These Airbnb Rental Scams

Airbnb Rental Scams AirBNBs have changed the way many of us vacation. We’re no longer locked into the idea of a hotel. An Airbnb can mean having more privacy, more room, the ability to stay in areas that don’t traditionally have hotels, a more economical option, and the ability to stay in one place for […]

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How Criminal Profiling Works

Criminal profiling has been around longer than you think. Interestingly enough, one of the most famous unsolved cases is credited for creating the idea of criminal profiling. Many believe that the first time profiling was used to attempt to find a killer was when Jack the Ripper was slaying young women in White Chapel. One […]

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How to Stay Safe While Using a Rideshare Program

There’s no denying that rideshare programs like Uber and Lyft have changed how we think about transportation. We love the fact that we can use a smartphone app to arrange a ride rather than having to hope that we can find and hail a cab. We know that the driver knows exactly where our destination […]

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Tampering With Evidence in the state of California

When it comes to evidence connected to a crime, you’re not allowed to mess with it. If you do, you will be charged with a crime in California. The issue of what is considered tampering with evidence and how much trouble you can get into for messing with evidence has been a topic of curiosity […]

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What is Eavesdropping in the state of California

It’s easier than ever to record the actions of other people. Most of us have a cell phones tucked into our pockets with the technology needed to capture a video with outstanding visual and audio quality. As tempting as it is to use your phone to record the actions and conversations of others, if you […]