ontario bail bonds

Top Internet Scams

Shortly after the internet was created, the internet scam was born. It’s amazing the number of different ways the internet has been used to scam different people. It seems like every single year, a new scam hits the virtual world and people start falling for it. While new internet scams are interesting and you should […]

ontario bail bonds

California’s Car Seat Laws

Every parent who has an infant knows that they’re supposed to have a car seat installed in their vehicle. They even know that it’s state law. What some parents don’t know is how important the car seat is and the consequences of having a car seat that doesn’t meet current safety standards, that isn’t properly […]

ontario bail bonds

Drunk Driving in a Borrowed Car

Drunk driving is always bad, but getting caught driving while under the influence of alcohol while using a friend’s car, things become even more complicated. If you were simply pulled over, the issues associated with the fact you were in a friend’s car may be minimal. The biggest headache is that the car will likely […]

ontario bail bonds

Coping with Credit Card Fraud

Credit card fraud is a serious problem in the United States. As recently as 15.4 million Americans were credit card fraud victims in 2016. And despite the best efforts of financial institutions, lawmakers, and law enforcement, it doesn’t look like the situation will get better. It looks like credit card fraud is here to stay. […]

chino bail bonds

The Difference Between Bench Warrants and Arrest Warrants

Many people don’t realize that bench warrants and arrest warrants are two different things. While both have the same end result, you get arrested, they’re handled in two very different ways. What is an Arrest Warrant Before an arrest warrant can be issued, a judge has to sign off on the document. This happens when […]

upland bail bonds

Safe and Sane vs Dangerous Fireworks in California

Did you know that California actually has two different categories of fireworks? The first category of fireworks and the one everyone would prefer that you work with is referred to as “safe and sane fireworks.” Most of us are perfectly happy using safe and sane fireworks. These are the simple yet satisfying light shows that […]

pomona bail bonds

Drunk Driving in California Over the Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is one of those holidays when everyone likes to cut loose and really relax. Most of us get to enjoy a long weekend which means we tend to drink a little more than we normally would. The fact that many of us are hanging out with a large group of our […]

ontario bail bonds

Reckless Burning in California

Finally, it’s summertime! Between the increased daylight hours and warmer weather, you’re finally able to do all of your favorite outdoor activities, including having your friends over for a bonfire. Before you strike a match, you need to make sure you’ve taken the proper steps so that you don’t find yourself dealing with a reckless […]

ontario bail bonds

Reasons Kids are Left in Hot Cars

It’s that time of year when we are constantly getting bombarded by messages reminding us to not leave kids and pets in hot cars. If you’re one of those people who roll their eyes and question how anyone could forget their child in a hot car you’re not alone. Most people feel the same way, […]

ontario bail bonds

What is Defamation of Character?

One of the great things about living in the United States is that we have freedom of speech. That allows us to freely speak our minds without having to worry about facing legal consequences. What some people don’t realize is that while we do enjoy freedom of speech, the right to speak freely doesn’t give […]