ontario bail bonds

The Consequences of Making Annoying Phone Calls in California

To you making an annoying phone call might not seem like a big deal. In fact, it’s something many of us did when we were bored teenagers. If you did, hopefully, you outgrew the prank because in this day and age, making an annoying phone call in California is a misdemeanor. That’s right! Each time […]

ontario bail bonds

Charges for Hitting a Pedestrian in California

California has a reputation as being a great place for pedestrians. The weather makes it possible for pedestrians to walk year-round and the state has done a wonderful job of creating places where pedestrians can stroll without encountering traffic. While pedestrians are invited to enjoy the benefits of walking, it’s important to understand that if […]

Can you Sleep in Your Car in California?

Can you Sleep in Your Car in California?

The increasingly rising cost of renting an apartment in California has created an unusual trend. Instead of spending more than half their paycheck on rent each month, some people have taken to living in their cars. This is particularly common in the summer when the weather is warm enough to make life without a heater […]

California Cracking Down on Emotional Support Dogs

California Cracking Down on Emotional Support Dogs

Emotional support dogs were never intended to take the place of service animals. When the idea of emotional support dogs (and other pets) was first introduced, it was to provide people who suffered from anxiety and loneliness with a companion at home. The term was first coined to help people who needed a pet to […]

Advantages of Phone Approval Bail Bonds

Advantages of Phone Approval Bail Bonds

There are many reasons you should turn to Ontario Bail Bonds when you or a loved one needs a bail bond. One of those reasons is that we offer phone approval bail bonds. You won’t believe how much the phone approval simplifies your current situation. What are Phone Approval Bail Bonds Phone approval bail bonds […]

ontario bail bonds

Failing to Pay Child Support in California

Child support is always a touchy subject. Often a person’s actual financial situation isn’t taken into consideration when the amount of child support is set. There is also the constant complaint that the child support isn’t going to the child, but rather being used for other purposes. The arguments over child support are often intense […]

Spend Valentine’s Day with your Sweetheart, Not a Cell Mate

Spend Valentine’s Day with your Sweetheart, Not a Cell Mate

If you think you got into trouble for not remembering to pick up a dozen roses for your sweetheart last Valentine’s Day, we guarantee it’s nothing compared to how mad they will be when you spend this Valentine’s Day in jail. It’s the kind of thing you’ll never stop hearing about. While we can’t make […]