1 percent bail bonds in chino

How to Get Bailed Out of Jail Quickly

No one wants to sit in a jail cell longer than necessary. The longer you’re locked up, the larger the financial, emotional, and even mental toll the experience takes on you. The good news is that there are some things you can do that will help speed up the bail bond process. Stay Calm, Cool, […]

chino bail bonds

What Happens if You’re Summoned to Appear as a Witness in a Trial

It doesn’t matter if the prosecution or the defense thinks you’re a valuable witness, the process is the same for both sides. The first thing they will do is officially summon you to appear. This is done through a formal process in which a court representative hands you the information about how you’re required to […]

chino bail bonds

What to Do If You’ve Been Accused of an Internet Crime

In 2018, the Cyber Security Breaches Survey revealed the shocking news that approximately 43% of all businesses fell for some sort of internet crime. The costs associated with these crimes really added up. It’s estimated that in California alone, businesses collectively lost more than $214 million to internet crimes. And businesses aren’t the only ones […]

chino bail bonds

House Arrest in California

Going to jail isn’t any fun. It’s something everyone tries to avoid, which is why so many people hope that the judge handling their case will agree to house arrest rather than a jail sentence. Not everyone is eligible for house arrest in California, especially if the house arrest is being used instead of an […]

chino bail bonds

Attempted Crimes in California

Most of us assume that a crime is a crime so hearing that California has a law, Penal Code 664 PC, that deals with the topic of attempted crimes is a bit confusing. Basically, what this law does is make it illegal to attempt a crime. The idea is that since you were all set […]

chino bail bonds

Conserving Electricity This Summer

Since May, various people have expressed concern that the power grid won’t be able to provide enough electricity to meet everyone’s needs. According to a May 6, 2022 article that was posted by CBS Sacramento, the California Independent System Operator (Cal ISO) was already seriously concerned about whether supply would meet demand. At the time, […]