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Catalytic Converter Theft in California

Catalytic converter theft is a serious problem that, for some reason, isn’t getting nearly the media attention it should.  According to data posted by KSBY-6 reported that in California, State Farm Insurance handled approximately 4,507 catalytic converter thefts in 2020. The total payout for these claims was roughly $10.8 million. The numbers doubled in 2021. […]

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What is Obstruction of Justice & Examples

You’re probably familiar with the term obstruction of justice, but do you actually know what it means? Cornell Law School defines obstruction of justice as: “Obstruction of justice broadly refers to actions by individuals that illegally prevent or influence the outcome of a government proceeding. While the quintessential example of obstruction of justice involves tampering in […]

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What to Tell Your Employer When You’re Arrested?

One of the first things you must consider when dealing with an employer and an arrest issue is that California is an at-will-employment state. This means employers have the right to terminate an employee’s employment status for any reason, including getting arrested. The state’s at-will employment status also means that the employer can terminate the […]

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What is Involuntary Manslaughter in California?

While few were surprised to learn that Alec Baldwin was being named in a wrongful death civil lawsuit following the tragic death of Halya Hutchins, they were astounded when it was recently announced that he was being charged with involuntary manslaughter. According to the Legal Dictionary, involuntary manslaughter is “the unintended killing of a person […]

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What Happens if I’m Pulled Over and Have Drugs in My Car?

The first thing you need to keep in mind if you’re using drugs, even if it’s something legal like cannabis, is that in California, DUI indicates under the influence of drugs as well as alcohol. That means that if a patrol officer suspects that you’re driving after being high on drugs, they can pull you […]

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Rules to Remember When Renting in California

If you find yourself in a position where you’re going to be renting your living space for the foreseeable future, it’s in your best interest to familiarize yourself with California’s laws regarding renting. In addition to checking out the state laws, make sure you explore the local laws since they can change from one zip […]

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Driving Without Auto Insurance in California

It’s expected that if you’re going to own and operate a vehicle in California, it’s properly insured. The amount of insurance you have that covers your own car is usually left up to you, but the state requires that you at least carry limited liability insurance so anyone else who is involved in the accident […]

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Learning How to Be Aware of Your Surroundings

In this day and age, you can’t afford to not be aware of your surroundings. It doesn’t matter if you’re strolling around the block near your home or walking across a busy parking lot after getting groceries, you must be aware of your surroundings. The world has become a dangerous place. Not only do you […]

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Staying Safe While Enjoying Dorm Life

One of the best things about finally going to college and moving into a dorm is that not only are you free of your parent’s strict rules but you’re also in the perfect place to meet people who will become lifelong friends. While there are many perks connected to living in a dorm, there are […]

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Top Internet Scams

Shortly after the internet was created, the internet scam was born. It’s amazing the number of different ways the internet has been used to scam different people. It seems like every single year, a new scam hits the virtual world and people start falling for it. While new internet scams are interesting and you should […]