jurupa valley bail bonds

The Benefits of Hiring a Good Criminal Defense Attorney

One of the biggest decisions you have to make after you’ve been charged with a crime is deciding if you should hire a private criminal defense attorney or if you should take advantage of a public defender. The correct answer is going to vary from one person to another. That being said, there are several […]

chino bail bonds

What Happens if You’re Summoned to Appear as a Witness in a Trial

It doesn’t matter if the prosecution or the defense thinks you’re a valuable witness, the process is the same for both sides. The first thing they will do is officially summon you to appear. This is done through a formal process in which a court representative hands you the information about how you’re required to […]

jurupa valley bail bonds

What Happens If Your Car Fails a California Inspection

You aren’t allowed to own and operate any old junker on California’s public roads. The state fully expects you to keep your car in good repair and to make sure it’s not releasing any more air pollution than necessary. California can enforce this code by insisting that all registered vehicles routinely go through a vehicle […]

pomona bail bonds

Bringing Gifts to Prison

Just because a loved one has been sent to prison, it doesn’t mean you stop caring for them. When someone has been arrested many people feel that in addition to visits, the best way to let their loved one know that they’re still important is by sending gifts and other surprises. While it’s easy to […]

rancho cucamonga bail bonds

4 Facebook Scams You Should Know About

Most of us spend a surprising amount of time on Facebook. We love posting about the exciting things taking place in our lives, we enjoy looking at the photos loved ones share, and we often treat it like an interesting party line that provides a legal way to spy on the lives of others. We […]

chino bail bonds

What to Do If You’ve Been Accused of an Internet Crime

In 2018, the Cyber Security Breaches Survey revealed the shocking news that approximately 43% of all businesses fell for some sort of internet crime. The costs associated with these crimes really added up. It’s estimated that in California alone, businesses collectively lost more than $214 million to internet crimes. And businesses aren’t the only ones […]

chino bail bonds

House Arrest in California

Going to jail isn’t any fun. It’s something everyone tries to avoid, which is why so many people hope that the judge handling their case will agree to house arrest rather than a jail sentence. Not everyone is eligible for house arrest in California, especially if the house arrest is being used instead of an […]

rancho cucamonga bail bonds

Consequences of Shoplifting in California

A surprising number of people have shoplifted during their lifetime. It’s especially common with young children who will often take something from candy racks. Teenagers will also sometimes shoplift because they were dared by their friends or because they are simply looking for a way to rebel. The problem with shoplifting is that it is […]

pomona bail bonds

Different Types of Pleas in the state of California

Shortly after you’ve been formally arrested and charged with a crime, you’ll have an arraignment. The arraignment is your first opportunity to tell a judge how you plead. At a California arraignment, there are three different ways you can plea: Guilty Not guilty No-contest Guilty A plea of guilty should be self-explanatory. When you tell […]

jurupa valley bail bonds

What You Need To Know About Vaping in California

These days you are almost more likely to see someone vaping than to spot a traditional cigarette smoker. Many of the younger generation have turned to vapes and e-cigs as opposed to traditional cigarettes. There are a few concrete reasons why vaping continues to become a more popular alternative There is less odor connected to […]