ontario bail bonds

Deprivation of Child Custody or Right to Visitation in California

Once a family has entered into a formal child custody agreement that includes visitation rights, the court system expects both parents to not only adhere to the agreement, but to promptly let one another (and in some cases, the court) know if something happens, such as sickness or an emergency, that could disrupt things. Failing […]

California Cracking Down on Emotional Support Dogs

California Cracking Down on Emotional Support Dogs

Emotional support dogs were never intended to take the place of service animals. When the idea of emotional support dogs (and other pets) was first introduced, it was to provide people who suffered from anxiety and loneliness with a companion at home. The term was first coined to help people who needed a pet to […]

Advantages of Phone Approval Bail Bonds

Advantages of Phone Approval Bail Bonds

There are many reasons you should turn to Ontario Bail Bonds when you or a loved one needs a bail bond. One of those reasons is that we offer phone approval bail bonds. You won’t believe how much the phone approval simplifies your current situation. What are Phone Approval Bail Bonds Phone approval bail bonds […]

Having Counterfeit Money in California

Having Counterfeit Money in California

Life is expensive and there never seems to be enough money to cover everything. While the majority of us simply struggle to get by, there are some who take a different approach to the financial crunch. They make their own. Many people would be surprised by how much counterfeit money is floating around the world. […]

Brake Checking in California

Brake Checking in California

“Brake check” is a term that refers to the act of someone slamming hard on their brakes while they’re driving in front of another driver, forcing the other driver to either slam on their own brakes or swerve out of the way. It’s often done because the driver of the lead vehicle feels the second […]

Considering a Fake Covid-19 Vaccination Card? Think Again

Considering a Fake Covid-19 Vaccination Card? Think Again

Everyone has an opinion about the COVID-19 vaccination options. Some people have opted to ignore the entire debate and simply purchase a fake Covid-19 vaccination card. This card “proves” that you were vaccinated against the virus and will therefore be granted admittance to places that only allow vaccinated individuals. If you’re considering purchasing a fake […]

Staying Safe While Online Dating

Staying Safe While Online Dating

It doesn’t look like online dating is going anywhere. This is often the time of year when people start to think about online dating. Some do this because they think the start of a new year is the perfect time to start a new relationship. Others because they realize that Valentine’s Day is right around […]

California’s Child Safety Seat Laws Keep Kids Safe

California’s Child Safety Seat Laws Keep Kids Safe

All of us know that young kids have to be strapped into a safety seat whenever they’re in a vehicle. The reason for this is because those safety seats save lives. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that properly installed car seats reduce the number of infant fatalities suffered during car accidents by 54 […]

The Right to Remain Silent in California

The Right to Remain Silent in California

One of the very first things you’re told when you’re arrested in California is that you have the right to remain silent. It’s very clearly stated during the Miranda Rights which will be recited to you every single time you’re arrested. In nearly all situations, taking advantage of your right to remain silent really is […]

chino bail bonds

Advantages of Using Ontario Bail Bonds

Most people don’t have the option of deciding if they should bail themselves out of jail or if they should take advantage of Ontario Bail Bonds. They simply don’t have enough money to make bail on their own, so their only real choice is getting a California bail bond or do they sit in jail […]