ontario bail bonds

The Consequences of Multiple Auto Theft Convictions

Everyone knows that you’re not supposed to take something that isn’t yours. This includes cars. However, that doesn’t stop some people from stealing another person’s car. Stealing and being convicted of auto theft in California one time is bad. Getting caught multiple times is worse. The reason multiple auto theft convictions are so bad is […]

ontario bail bonds

Assault with the Intent to Commit a Felony

Some California charges seem strange. Assault with the intent to commit a felony is one of those charges. The name suggests that a person deliberately wanted to seriously hurt another. The confusion is that it sounds premeditated, even though many people associate the word assault with a spontaneous, unplanned burst of violence. The other reason […]

ontario bail bonds

Coping with Credit Card Fraud

Credit card fraud is a serious problem in the United States. As recently as 15.4 million Americans were credit card fraud victims in 2016. And despite the best efforts of financial institutions, lawmakers, and law enforcement, it doesn’t look like the situation will get better. It looks like credit card fraud is here to stay. […]

chino bail bonds

The Difference Between Bench Warrants and Arrest Warrants

Many people don’t realize that bench warrants and arrest warrants are two different things. While both have the same end result, you get arrested, they’re handled in two very different ways. What is an Arrest Warrant Before an arrest warrant can be issued, a judge has to sign off on the document. This happens when […]

ontario bail bonds

Understanding Weapons Charges in California

Many of the cases that wind their way through the California court system involve weapons charges. While the Constitution gives everyone the right to bear arms, state (and some Federal) laws exist that limit what you can and can’t do with those weapons. If you fail to follow any one of those laws, you could […]

ontario bail bonds

Red Flag Laws in the state of California

In light of the mass shootings and hostage situations that have taken place throughout the country over the last couple of decades, California lawmakers created what is commonly called the Red Flag Law. This is an interesting law that allows certain people, including teachers and employers to seek out a court order that would remove […]

ontario bail bonds

Carrying a Concealed Weapon in California

The definition of a concealed weapon is straightforward. If you’re carrying something that’s traditionally considered a weapon in a manner so that it’s not readily available, you’re carrying a concealed weapon. In most cases, the weapon is a firearm or a knife. What you may not know is that if you’re in California, having a […]

ontario bail bonds

Reckless Burning in California

Finally, it’s summertime! Between the increased daylight hours and warmer weather, you’re finally able to do all of your favorite outdoor activities, including having your friends over for a bonfire. Before you strike a match, you need to make sure you’ve taken the proper steps so that you don’t find yourself dealing with a reckless […]

payment plan bail bonds in ontario

You Were Out on Bail When You Got Arrested Again. Now What?

One of the big rules connected to your bail bonds is that you’re not supposed to engage in any type of criminal activity or with anyone suspected of criminal activity until your case concludes. The problem is that every once in a while we’ll get a call from a client letting us know that something […]

ontario bail bonds

Misusing a Disability Placard in California

Disability placards aren’t something everyone in California can appropriate and use for their own purposes. Getting caught misusing a disability placard in California can land you on the wrong side of the law. If you think you can misuse a disability placard and not get caught, you should think again. It’s easy for police to […]