ontario bail bonds

Early Warning Signs of Heat Stroke

The longer, warmer days inspire all of us to spend more time outdoors. The problem is that the California summer heat quickly climbs. The hotter it gets, the greater the risk of heatstroke. The problem many people discover is that while there are warning signs that they’re starting to overheat, most either ignore these signs […]

ontario bail bonds

Ignoring a California Subpoena

One of the mistakes some people make when they witness a crime is assuming that since they weren’t actively involved in the crime, they don’t have to be involved in the investigation or trial. This attitude causes some people to ignore a court subpoena. If you’ve been issued a subpoena, you should know that ignoring […]

rancho cucamonga bail bonds

Quick Bail Bond Approval in California

Here at Ontario Bail Bonds, it’s our belief that no one should have to sit in a jail cell for a moment longer than absolutely necessary. We understand that each minute you’re in a cell, the bleaker your situation feels. We want you to be as comfortable as possible as soon as possible which is […]

ontario bail bonds

Understanding the Difference Between Infractions, Misdemeanors, and Felonies

The justice system labels crimes as infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. While these different categories of legal offenses have been around for a long time, very few people who aren’t directly connected to law enforcement or criminal lawfully understand how each type of crime is different.’ Infractions People who are guilty of an infraction have technically […]

ontario bail bonds

Can I Get Into Trouble for Disobeying a Police Officer?

Humans are funny. Whenever we’re given an order, we have an almost overwhelming compulsion to rebel against it. While rebellion is okay in certain situations, when that order comes directly from a police officer, it’s in your best interest to ignore your instincts. The vast majority of us will only be put in a position […]

ontario bail bonds

Charges for Eavesdropping in California

Eavesdropping is something we’ve all done at some point in our lives. Normally, it involves staying quiet and remaining shrouded in mystery while we listen to someone discuss either ourselves or someone we know. In most cases, eavesdropping is fairly harmless, however, there are some circumstances where your penchant for eavesdropping could result in you […]

Vaping in California

Vaping in California

Over the past ten or fifteen years, vaping has become extremely popular. There are several reasons for this, including the idea that vaping is cleaner, cheaper, and might be a little safer than smoking. The fact that you can get vapes in interesting flavors that simply aren’t possible with traditional cigarettes is another reason so […]

Gambling in California

Gambling in California

When it comes to gambling, California lawmakers want to make sure that they’re involved in it. It’s okay to play state lotteries and to enjoy a night out at the casino. That’s all fine and dandy. What makes California lawmakers grumpy and could result in you facing criminal charges is gambling in the form of: […]