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Catalytic Converter Theft in California

Catalytic converter theft is a serious problem that, for some reason, isn’t getting nearly the media attention it should.  According to data posted by KSBY-6 reported that in California, State Farm Insurance handled approximately 4,507 catalytic converter thefts in 2020. The total payout for these claims was roughly $10.8 million. The numbers doubled in 2021. […]

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What is Obstruction of Justice & Examples

You’re probably familiar with the term obstruction of justice, but do you actually know what it means? Cornell Law School defines obstruction of justice as: “Obstruction of justice broadly refers to actions by individuals that illegally prevent or influence the outcome of a government proceeding. While the quintessential example of obstruction of justice involves tampering in […]

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What to Tell Your Employer When You’re Arrested?

One of the first things you must consider when dealing with an employer and an arrest issue is that California is an at-will-employment state. This means employers have the right to terminate an employee’s employment status for any reason, including getting arrested. The state’s at-will employment status also means that the employer can terminate the […]

Carjacking in California

Carjacking in California

Carjacking in California defers from car theft in that during the commission of the crime, either force or fear was used to take the vehicle. Instead of simply slipping into a vehicle, finding the keys, and taking it for a joyride, you wait until the car’s owner is around and force them to give you […]

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3 Tips for Choosing a California Bail Bonds Agency

It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to secure a bail bond for yourself or for a loved one, there are a few things you need to keep in mind when considering a bail bonds agency. Make Sure They’re Readily Available Obviously, you want the bail bonds agency you choose to be available as soon as […]

Take Advantage of our Free Bail Bond Consultation Service

Take Advantage of our Free Bail Bond Consultation Service

You might not know this, but when it comes to getting a bail bond in California, you don’t have to jump into the situation blind. It’s in your best interest to take your time and educate yourself about your options. The good news is that gaining this education isn’t difficult or even time-consuming. In the […]

When Can Police Search Without a Warrant?

When Can Police Search Without a Warrant?

The issue of when the police can and can’t conduct a search without a warrant has always been a sensitive issue. It’s also an important issue and one that should be explored with every single case that involves searches and evidence. The reason it’s so important to know when the police can and can’t search […]

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Transporting Prescription Drugs

During the opioid crises in the ‘90s, it wasn’t uncommon to hear about someone getting arrested on prescription drug charges after what seemed like a routine traffic stop. In many of these cases, it was never made entirely clear how the police learned about the driver’s issues with the prescription drugs. At the time, many […]

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Leaving Kids in Hot Cars in California

Kids and hot cars are never a good combination. Everyone knows that, yet there is still an average of 38 children who die each year after they’re locked into a hot car. In all fairness, nearly all of these cases are an accident. The child is strapped into their car seat in the back of […]

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Leaving Pets in Hot Cars in California

Dogs love their owners and want to be with them all the time. In an attempt to keep our dogs happy, many of us take them with us when we run errands. On cold days, this isn’t an issue, but now that we’re on the cusp of summer, it will be a while before Californians […]